27 Feb Enzo Minarelli LIVE in San Francisco
Ptyx, 2’47” Tribute to Mallarmé WORLD PREMIÈRE 2010-2017
(from Polypoetry 10) performed live 9 th April 2018
FAME What I want to state [Polypoetry 10, 2010] 19’11” live 13th April 2018
1 The grandeur of Gengis Khan 1’16”
2 Knowledge as purpose of life 1’36”
3 The names of cities as national anthem, to Sinclair Lewis 1’45”
4 Succeed without asking 2’13”
5 Those who fear the pain (use the medicine of religion) 2’10”
6 Seeking the sound Pharmacopoeia 3’40”
7 Poema, 5’, 1977-85 (from Polypoetry 4)
With sound this poem expresses what the word cannot,
Tribute to Caspar David Friedrich 3’46” WORLD PREMIÈRE 2010-2017
(from Polypoetry 10) performed live 9 th April 2018
1 Dune (Parole in Libertà), Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (1914)
2 Subway, Fortunato Depero (1939)
3 Verbalizzazione Astratta di Signora, Fortunato Depero (1927)
4 Grattacieli (Skyscrapers), Fortunato Depero (1929)
5 Savoia, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (1917)
All these polypoems were performed during the Sound Poetry The Wages of Syntax OTHER MINDS FESTIVAL 23, at ODC Theater, 9 th -14 th April 2018, San Francisco.
Thanks to Charles Amirkhanian, art director of the festival, (whose voice is heard in the LP, introducing me to stage).
Mark Abramson, production director, sound engineer.
Ebbe Roe Yovino-Smith, San Francisco based photographer.
Special thanks to all the technicians who worked with me during the rehearsals and the live show.
The poems used here as basic sound can be found in FAME, what I want to state, new polypoems 2008-10, New York, Pogus, 2012. (CD)
1 Enzo Minarelli Ptyx, execution pattern, 2010-2017
2 Enzo Minarelli With sound this poem expresses what the word cannot, execution pattern, 2010-2017
F.T.Marinetti Dune (1914) (5 images)
Fortunato Depero Subway (1939)
Fortunato Depero Verbalizzazione Astratta di Signora (1927)
Fortunato Depero Grattacieli (Skyscrapers)(1929)
Fortunato Depero Savoia(1917)
Enzo Minarelli in Those who fear the pain (use the medicine of religion)
Enzo Minarelli in Succeed without asking
Enzo Minarelli in Dune di F.T. Marinetti
Enzo Minarelli in Seeking the sound Pharmacopoeia
Enzo Minarelli in Knowledge as purpose of life
Enzo Minarelli in With sound this poem expresses what the word cannot